To improve the quality of the living environment and better meet the expectations of Cristoliens in...
To improve the quality of the living environment and better meet the expectations of Cristoliens in a participatory approach, the City of Créteil, in connection with Grand Paris Sud Est Avenir, has developed the free mobile application Créteil the citizen eye to report any disorder and incivility observed in the public space.You encounter a disorder in a street or on a Cristolien green space: degraded street furniture, graffiti, a hole in the road, a bump on a sidewalk, illegal dumps, a lack of cleanliness, defective lighting, a wrecked vehicle , trees in poor condition ...?The Créteil loeil citizen application allows you in a few clicks to geolocate the location of the disorder, describe it and attach one or more photos in order to inform the municipal and territorial services in real time of incidents that may escape their notice. vigilance.For all reported disorders, you will benefit from personalized follow-up by email allowing you to be kept informed of the progress of the processing of your reports and to see their resolution.The services of the City of Créteil thank you for your participation in improving the quality of the living environment and the urban environment.Terms and conditions of use:The Créteil loeil citizen mobile application works only in Cristolian territory. It uses certain features of your smartphone or iPhone (geolocation, photo and internet connection) which require a good connection.In order to ensure the rapid, precise, reliable reporting of any disorder found in public space and to facilitate its handling by municipal and territorial services, the user is asked to follow several steps:- choose the nature of the disorder from a proposed list of 8 categories,- attach one or more photo (s) of the disorder,- add a precise description of the disorder,- enter their contact details (your first and last name and your email address) in order to be kept informed of the processing and resolution of your report,- specify the exact address of the disorder either by being geolocated automatically or by entering the address manually.The information transmitted by users of the application is intended to help the departments of the City of Créteil and Grand Paris Sud Est Avenir organize their activity. The competent services determine on a case-by-case basis the actions to be considered to put an end to all the disorders reported by the cristoliens.For reasons of confidentiality and respect for personal data, the photos attached to the reports must in no case show an identifiable person. If this is the case, these will be deleted.In the same vein, all information mentioned in the "comments" area likely to harm natural or legal persons will be deleted.Users are therefore invited to focus their photos on the disorders observed while providing useful details in the comment area.Any breach of these rules of use is likely to prevent the processing of the report or cause its rejection.⚠: Users wishing to report situations of a dangerous nature and requiring the implementation of rapid protection measures should prefer a declaration to the emergency services, namely:- National police: 17 or 01 45 13 40 78- Firemen: 18 or 01 49 80 28 17- SAMU 94: 15 or 01 45 17 95 00